
Rokku :3

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014


Entren al canal de Mikita!!!!
Honestamente no debería estar haciendo esto, porque he estado mas cansada y ocupada que nunca...
 Vi este video y de rápido quise hacer el tag también  pero aquí, me encanta eso de preguntas y respuestas...

-Usualmente no voy a Starbucks
- Me tardo 30 minutos mínimo
-Como mi cabello es corto y raro ya no me tomo selfies XD
-437.... Me encanta que me sigan en otros países!!
- No digo ni LOL ni OMG xD
-Siii, soy un retrato, y muy mala combinando
-Yo soy negra, ¿Cómo voy a ser racista? xD
-1030, tomando en cuenta que llevo como dos años con ella
-Mil veces Tumblr XD
- En el servicio social y en la escuela....
-Michelle Phan y Adora BadBrat :D
-Nunca!, una vez cada dos años XD
-Si tuviera dinero lo sería XD
-La he visto como tres veces, si me gusta porque siempre fui la nueva en la escuela ¬¬
-Sí, pero toda es fea y sin estilo xD me dan ganas de venderla, regalarla o tirarla
-Sólo cuando se ve padre decorada, o cuando cocino, también :D
-Todos menos los domingos, me gusta dejar descansar la cara de tantos químicos...
-Pfff siempre he sido mala para la escuela, los chicos de mi Universidad no se lo imaginan, porque ahora llevo 9.4 jaja
-Normalmente no me peino, me dejo el cabello suelto, pero ahora que me lo corté, trato de peinarme un poco

FIN!! Háganlo también!!

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014


Hoy es mi amanecer de los muertos XD
Pues vengo a dejar aquí todas las fotos de lo que hubo este sábado, conviví con mis Dolly's y otras amigas Gals!
Conocí gente que ya me urgía ver en persona y me divertí mucho con todos ellos
Nos tomamos muchas fotos con DJ Sisen y el nos tomó muchas otras... así que si las tomé... les dejaré créditos... aunque ciertamente no se bien de quien son unas cuantas

Empezaré con mi clásica reseña....

 Mientras esperaba a Kazz fui a ver estas esculturas tipo steampunk que se exhibían en Forum Buenavista... Había un conejito hermoso, pero estaba lejos de mi :( y no le tomé una buena foto...

Nos vimos en Forum Kazz y yo para arreglarnos y la gente nos observaba de forma extraña, mientras le hacía un sujimori  XD... después de eso nos subimos al metrobús para "llegar más rápido" pero nos bajamos una estación antes... porque estábamos un poco deshubicadas, una vez llegamos al monumento, un señor nos preguntó que si era un evento de disfraces o si así nos vestíamos siempre, kazz le respondió y a mi me dio risa la cara del señor jajaja, caminamos unos pasos y unas personas nos fotografiaron con sus cámaras profesionales, al fin llegamos y nos encontramos con Kyo y nos presentó a Evelyn y a otras chicas que iban de estilo Gyaru también :D todas super buena onda, lo primero que hicimos fue posar para la cámara del J'Fest con la leyenda: #SoyShibuya, créditos para el fotógrafo del J'Fest por esta fotografía:

 Una vez que llegamos y nos tomamos varias fotografías, nos formaron y nos pusieron hasta adelante, así fue como partimos hacia el próximo punto de encuentro en Reforma 222, pero no pudimos quedarnos ahí, así que nos desplazmos a la glorieta de Insurgentes :D Ya todos super cansados y bajo el sol.

 Me encantó la mochila y el accesorio tan tierno que traía Dj Sisen! No pude evitar tomarle una foto XD

 Les presento a Evelyn <3 Me enamoré de su sombrero Texano :D

 Chechecheeer y Chachachaa 

 jajajajajaa Tenía que tomarme una foto con la Monja, y lo peor es que ni le avisé, sólo volteó y sonrió a mi cámara, el sol nos daba de frente!!

Esta foto la robé de las que tomó Dj Sisén, la posteo porque es de las pocas que se tomaron en la glorieta de Insurgentes, de ahí caminamos hasta el parque México donde nos establecimos definitivamente...

Mi única foto con Jun <3, no me importa que me veo chistosa XD

 Por fin conocí a Mirtsmo <3!! El me dijo que nos tomaríamos muchas fotos y lo cumplió, es la onda ese joven XD
 Estando en el Parque México, se nos fue un poco el desastre con el megáfono que tenían y decidimos hacer una pelea de groserías en Japonés, obvio, las personas que supieran hablar japonés eran las que participaban y DJ. Sisen fue el Juez para la competencia, a quien ganaba, les regalaba dulces... 
Sisen es un amor!!!! Tiene todo mi respeto y admiración TuT!!! De la nada le pedí una foto y posó con su agua de 50 cent jajaja
 Ella es Usagi, anteriormente habíamos salido con ella, es una de las negras que adoro <3
Estas fueron las fotos con Sisen, primero fue la grupal y después una por una :D
Foto por Kazz ( ijegfvkjsbdgljsdlnflknls )
Foto por Kyo (jksfbksjbdvgjkesdlvgsd)

Perro-lobo-alaska-cornio XD

 Kyo y yo con nuestros sujimori fallidos XD

 :P!!! Amo las caras que hace kazz XD
 Luego me reuní con Akashita, quien es un amor, y le pedí tomarme una foto con ella, ella me contestó: "Las que quieras" jajaja <3 a esa niña dan muchas ganas de abrazarla!!!

 Y por fin se me hizo conocer a Ina!!! Tenía que tener una foto con ella!! 

Esta es la nueva pose Gyaru!!

 Es la pose del "Mojo" JAJAJAJAJAJAAJAJA djbjsdbndkl

 Ella es Yuu, también la conocí el sábado, me cayó tan bien!! <3

 Después de toda la inmensa fila que había para tomarse foto con Sisen, nos regresamos Kyo y yo para tomarme una foto porque la mía había salido movida, y Sisen se puso a bailar con Kyo para para, les tomé video XD 

 Al final, fuimos a comer al falafelito XD la verdad es que nos moríamos de hambre, eran las 6:30 y no había desayunado!! 

Y bueno, esto es todo lo que puedo recordar, ya ni nos pudimos despedir de las demás por correr a comer XD Pero definitivamente fue un día perfecto!

Les dejo un video por si no entienden que es eso de AGEPOYO

Saludos a todo aquel que lee este blog

Charlotte <3

domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

Preguntas al azar, respondidas en tiempos diferentes....

1-How are you? Not too fine
2-Post a picture of yourself. 

3-Do you ever wish you were someone else? Yes, sometimes I have thought about that
4-What is your entire name? I don't really like it at all
5-How old are you? 2ne1
6-Age you get mistaken for: 17
7-Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality: Gemini, well, I don't believe in that...
8-What did you do on your last birthday? My miserable last birthday... I get a cake thanks to my ex-boyfriend, I still glad to him because of that ...
9-What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday? I dont really know...
10-What is your hair color? Dark Dark brown
11-Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes! a lot of times actually...
12-What is your eye color? dark dark brown
13-If you could change your eye color, would you? blue? 
14-Do you wear contacts/glasses? Yes, just because I like to wear contacts
18-Do you have any tattoos? No...
19-Do you have any piercings? Yes, but I miss my nipples ones u_u..
20-Left or right handed? right...
21-What’s your sexual orientation? Bisexual, but I lately prefer women...
22-Do you drink? Yes! I love Beer!!
23-Do you smoke? Lately, yes..
24-Do you have any pets? Yes!!!...
25-Where do you work? At a really boring government office
26-Something you are working on right now: I give legal advice
27-Do you have any “rules” about food? Yes, in the morning I can eat everything, at the evening I have to eat something healty, and at night, I don't have to eat at all...
28-Where are you from? I'm from Ant-Land México City (xD)
29-What would you say is your best quality? Im humble
30-What do you think you’re really good at? I'm not good at all...
31-What do you think you’re really bad at? Everything I do...
33-Are you a bad person? No I make an efford every day to be better
34-Are you nice to everyone? Yes, even if they don't deserve it
36-Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Pfffffffff... People is nasty...
37-What is your ideal bed? Why? I'm content to have one
38-Did you wake up cranky? Always...
39-Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? No
40-What do you think about the most? I don't like people...
42-What you want to be when you “get older”? I wanna be like Mackie, a really good table- dancer xD
43-What are your career goals? Just have fun and earn money...
44-What is your ideal career? Musician, actress or model
45-Is your life anything like it was two years ago? It's too different...
46-Do you replay things that have happened in your head? I contstantly think about my past dreams, I don't know why...
47-Have you ever had an imaginary friend? No, maybe my car...
48-Say 10 facts about your room: I actually have posted something about my room ...
49-Do you have any phobias? Yes, I have a very strange one...
50-Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? No, my parents thought that it wasn't necesary   
51-Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? Yes, I'm allergic of Chrimp
52-Ever broken any bones? NO

53-Ever come close to death? Yes, every day I drive
60-Do you have a facebook? Yes "https://www.facebook.com/WaruiCharlotte"
61-Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? Yes...
62-Describe yourself in one word/sentence: PROBLEM
63-A quote you try to live by: "What would your parents think?"
64-A famous person you’ve been compared to: Dara, from 2ne1... I know, that person was really crazy...
65-Weird things you do when you’re alone: Answer that kind of quizes
66-Something you do without realising: smile... I hate my smile!!
68-Someone you’d like to be for a day and why: My friends, I need them!!
69-Leave me a compliment: NO

70-What is your favorite thing to do? To Write, but I don't do it fine lately
71-What’s your favorite color? Black is a color?
73-What’s your favorite movie? Maybe "Das Parfum"
74-What are your favorite books? The groosham grange, for ever, and The truce from Mario Bemedetti
75-What is your favorite quote and why? "Some men can trudly be like chocolate, but most of them are more like shit"
76-What is your favorite word? MURDER, I don't know why...
77-What is your least favorite word? I don't know... I'll think about that...
78-What is your favorite type of food? Mexican food!
79-You favorite ice cream? Cheese
80-What’s your favorite animal? Cat...
81-Dogs or cats? CATS
82-Describe your favourite texture: The skin <3
83-What is your favorite flower? Daffodils
84-What’s your favourite scent? And on the opposite sex? The natural scent
85-What is your favorite season? Autumn
86-What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die? Japan, Spain, Italy, England, and every state of Mexico
87-What are four things you can’t live without and why? My driver ID, my cell phone, make up, and clothes XD
88-Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? I don't know...
89-What’s your favorite television show? Pretty little liars...
90-Favorite place to shop at? Mexico City
91-Say 2 facts about your favorite things: 

-I really enjoy walking on the street with friends
-I enjoy a lot, listen to classical music

106-Would you ever smile at a stranger? Yes, I do it every day
107-Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? Boys... but I lately have realy good friends that are girls
108-Who is someone you never tire of? Somebody to makes me laugh a lot
109-Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? I don't know...
110-Who is your most loyal friend? Maybe It doesn't exist...
111-Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? Yes, my really good friend called Andrés
112-If your best friend died, what would you do? She actually did....
113-Something you’ve lied about. pffffffffff.... Im a profesional liar with my parents
114-Have you ever felt replaced? Yes, I always feel like that...
115-Say 5 facts about your bestfriend(s):

-It will be always somebody that is going to betray
-My best friends are always really annoying

116-The last person you hugged? My dear friend "El chino"
117-Story of your first kiss? I kissed a blue eyed guy called Emmanuel... well, he didn't like cheese's cheetos XD
118-Do you like kissing in public? I don't care where I'm kissing....
119-Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yes... I sometimes do that...
120-You have a preference for boys or girls? I normally prefer boys, but lately, I prefer women!!
121-Is the male or female body closest to perfection? Female one
127-What is the first thing you noticed in someone?If he or she is going to talk to me or hate me
128-Are looks important in a relationship? Yes, they are
129-What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for? Very pale skin
130-What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? I agree
131-Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? No, I don't think so
133-Do you have a crush on anyone? I don't know, lately it was changed....
134-A description of the girl/boy you like: Pff, same characteristics, thin, pale skin, cute hair, big and clear eyes
135-Say 1 fact about the person you like: She is very depressed... He is very outgoing
136-If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? It's fine, I'm not looking for a relationship
137-When was the last time you told someone you loved them? A month ago
138-Do you think someone has feelings for you?  No, I don't think so
139-Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Yes, absolutely him...
140-Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? Yes, I cry just because...
141-Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Yes, I actually wish a girl that ignores me
142-Anyone you’re giving up on?  I don't want to write his name
143-Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yes, It's happening to me right now
144-Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? No, never
145-Have you ever liked one of your best friends? Yes
146-Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Yes
147-Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? Yes, there's a beautiful girl
148-Is there someone you will never forget? Yes, some people, like Lore or Louis Charles
153-What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? mmmm... I don't know, nobody do sweet things for me...
154-What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? Makes me happy...
157-Are you in love? No
158-Are you in a relationship? No
159-If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? ~~~~
160-Are relationships ever worth it? Yes, you can learn a lot of tings...
161-Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? Yes... I don't want to tell why xD
162-Can you commit to one person? NO
163-Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Yes, of course!!
164-Do you ever want to get married? No... I don't believe in marriage
165-Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? no
167-Do you get jealous easily? Yes, a little...
168-The last time you felt jealous, and why? When I saw something that I don't liked
169-What is your definition of cheating? It begins with thougth
170-Have you ever been cheated on? Yes .-.
171-Do you forgive betrayal? no
172-Have you ever cheated on someone? no
173-Why did your last relationship fail? YES
174-Things you want to say to an ex: I'll never foget you...
175-A description of the person you dislike the most: Dirty people
176-If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? no
177-How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? I don't find sense to count them
178-How long was your longest relationship?
179-You’ll love me if… You make me happy
180-Share a relationship story: NO
Music, movies and books

181-How often do you listen to music? every day
182-What kind of music you like? I'm strange
183-Do you like to dance? yes xD
185-Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? Yes :)
186-Share a song that takes you to a certain memory in the past: -------------------------------------------------->
187-A song that’s been stuck in your head: All mine- Portishead
188-Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play: NO

189-A book you want to read/have recently read: I want to read a book of laura esquivel
190-Describe your dream library: I don't want to write too much xD
191-Last movie you just watched: El Conjuro... I don't liked it too much
192-Do you like watching what type of movies? Action!!!
Situations and crazy things

193-You’re in a tattoo parlor about to get inked. What are you getting done? A lot of tattoos!
194-What’s something you can see yourself going to jail for? Murder
195-If you could be any character, from any literary work, who would you choose to be?  Julia from Groosham Grange
196-You’re given $10,000…under one condition: you cannot keep the money for yourself. Who would you give it to? My sister and my niece
197-If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? Three weeks ago... I shouldn't drive...
198-If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why? Neon, because of the number 4
199-If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? No one...
200-You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy? FUCK YOU BITCH!!! With a sword directly on the neck!!
201-If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like? I don't know...
202-What is the first curse word that comes to mind? FUCK!!
203-What the last party you went to was… and when the next will be… Yesterday at a Germany theme restaurant xD
204-Halloween costume idea? I don't wear a costume in Halloween u_u
205-How you’d spend ten thousand bucks? Just in clothes hahahaha
206-Press ctrl+v and post: https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/999609_573697132689651_583506235_n.jpg 
207-Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with someone you love for ten years or someone you hate for a month? Explain why. I have lived with two very detestable people the most time of my life, so I can resist the second option, because love ends soon...
208-5 things within touching distance: cereal, make up, a hairbrush, cell phone, water
209-A drunken story: I don't want to talk about it...
210-What are you supposed to be doing right now? Sleeping... maybe
211-Currently wanting to see anyone? YES! I actually want to see my Gal friends!!